Annual Water System Maintenance

On Tuesday, October 17th, the City of Lebanon will begin the annual flushing of the public water system.  This is done to ensure clean, safe drinking water, increase flow through fire hydrants, and identify any maintenance needs before they become a problem.  During the process, City of Lebanon maintenance crews will be flushing fire hydrants and exercising water valves throughout the city. 

While crews are flushing the system, there is potential for sediment in pipes to be stirred up causing discoloration of the water.  If customers encounter discolored water in their home, they should turn on all the cold-water faucets and allow them to run until the water is clear and flush all toilets twice.  If running the water does not alleviate the problem, customers are encouraged to call 541.258.4914 or 541.258.4918 for assistance.