Update on Trails, Trailheads and Parks



The City of Lebanon has partially lifted the closure restrictions on trails, trailheads, and parks. Areas that area now open to the public include:

  1.  All trails and trailheads, and
  2.  All open space areas in public parks.

Social Distancing protocols are still in place per the Governor’s Order 20-12. Please maintain a minimum separation of 6 feet while using the parks, trails, and trailheads.

Portions of the City’s park facilities will remain closed in compliance with the Governor’s Order, including:

  1.  Playground equipment within parks
  2.  Outdoor sports courts
  3.  The skate park, and
  4.  Public restrooms within park facilities and at trailheads.

Signage will be posted at all entrances to park facilities and trailheads, and along the trails identifying areas of acceptable use and the areas that remain closed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact 541.258.4917 or parksres@ci.lebanon.or.us.

Please look for updates on the City’s website at https://www.ci.lebanon.or.us/news.