City Declares State of Emergency


PRESS RELEASE - March 18, 2020

Effective at 1:00 p.m. today, Interim City Manager Ron Whitlatch has declared a State of Emergency in the City of Lebanon as granted under ORS Chapter 401 and the Emergency Operations Plan set forth in Lebanon Municipal Code Chapter 2.34.

The declaration allows for the City to access state and federal resources along with emergency procurements of goods and services pursuant to ORS 279B.080, ORS 279C.335(6), ORS 279.380(4), and all other applicable rules.

Conditions have resulted in the need for the declaration of a State of Emergency due to multiple cases of COVID-19 that have been detected in Linn County.  Linn County Board of Commissioners has declared a State of Emergency relating to COVID-19 in Linn County.  The Governor of the State of Oregon has declared a State of Emergency relating to COVID-19 in the State of Oregon.  The President of the United States has declared a State of Emergency relating to COVID-19 in the United States.

The declaration is effective March 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. and shall remain in effect until 8:00 p.m. on April 18, 2020 unless superseded sooner.

Please look for updates on the City’s website at