Electronic Records Management System

The City of Lebanon participates in the Oregon Records Management Solutions project which allows staff to increase citizen access to many records. Click HERE to access the system.

See the Help menu for information on performing advanced searches. Simple searching instructions are found below. You may search for published records such as City Council Minutes, Ordinances, Resolutions, Committee Meeting Minutes, and Historical Documents.  We will continue to add records as staff time allows.

Basic Searching Instructions

You will need to choose “Lebanon, City of” from the dropdown menu. Under Search by Selection, select "Document Content” for records related to a particular subject or “Meeting Date” for City Council or Committee meeting records.

Search Type Description  
Any Word Any word in either the Title field or the Notes field for a record
Meeting Date Use format dd/mm/yyyy
Document Content Text contained in any text-based file that has been run through
optical character recognition (OCR). Expect a longer search time.
Title (free text part) This search is an exact match search of the Title field for a record.
It is not recommended unless you have the exact title.
Title Word Any word in the Title field for a record


Once you get search results, click on the link to the document. Choose ‘View” or Download” in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Links to Saved Searches (being developed)

Saved searches are available for many frequently requested documents. Click on one of the links below to access these saved searches:

Adopted City Budgets
Adopted URD Budgets
Audited Financial Reports
City Council Minutes
City Council Packets

Below are abbreviations used that will help in your search:

URD - Urban Renewal District