Lebanon's Downtown Building Restoration Program Offers Two New Grant Opportunities

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The Lebanon 2040 Strategic Action Plan called for the revitalization of downtown, in part, through consistent and attractive design and upkeep. In 2017 the City Council approved the creation of a Downtown Building Restoration Program (DBRP) to incentivize building façade improvements. Along with the program’s original loan interest grants, the City is now offering micro grants for downtown businesses with entrances on Main Street, between Vine Street and Maple Street.

Downtown Building Restoration Program Micro Grant: Up to $5,000 per street address for improvements supportive of the original building design in terms of exterior materials, architectural ornamentation and finish.

Downtown Building Restoration Program Interest Grant: No-interest loans (drawn from participating local banks and credit unions) for building improvements that seek to improve façade appearance. Interest Grants provided for loans of no more than $25,000 to cover 100 percent of interest not to exceed a maximum rate of 6%.

Improvements might include paint, new awnings, restoration of doors and windows, accessibility upgrades, signage, exterior lighting, removal of previous “renovated” facades to recover a buildings original architectural intent, and other similar improvements. The DBRP encourages, as closely as possible, improvements supportive of the original building design in terms of exterior materials, architectural ornamentation and finish.

Grants are based on a first come, first served basis until initial funding is exhausted.

For further information about the Downtown Building Restoration Program go to www.ci.lebanon.or.us/cd or contact:

Alysia Rodgers, City of Lebanon Economic Development Catalyst
(541) 258.4256