City Manager Recruitment

Press Release - June 25, 2020

City Manager Recruitment – Last Winter the City entered into a contract with Prothman for the recruitment of a City Manager.  Unfortunately, the recruitment process was slowed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Electronic interviews were held with the candidates in April and May and the top two finalists were selected.  Both candidates have many good qualities and qualifications, and both were very patient as the City navigated through delays and adapting to issues with the COVID-19 pandemic.

On June 23 the finalists were interviewed by a community panel and that evening the City hosted a Meet and Greet to allow citizens to meet them.  On June 24 the City Council held an Executive Session and had individual interviews with the two candidates. 

City Council reviewed comments from the community panel, staff, and citizens who attended the Meet and Greet.  After the Council's individual interviews and the review of the comments, the Council has decided that neither candidate was the right fit for the Lebanon City Manager position.

The Council has decided to seek out an Interim City Manager to help manage and maintain our City staff and services while the Council regroups and works on a plan to find the right individual that would fit well into the City organization.

Mayor Paul Aziz said, "I am very thankful to both of our candidates for their patience working through the difficult and lengthy hiring process.  After weighing all the interviews, staff, and community input the Council decided that there was not a right fit and we need to continue the search. We want to make sure we get the right person and not just hire someone to fill the position."

City Engineer Ron Whitlatch has been Interim Manager since September 2019 and will continue in that role until an Interim City Manager can be chosen.

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