Lebanon Arts Commission Vacancies

The City of Lebanon invites interested persons to apply for two seats on the Lebanon Arts Commission that expire June 30, 2019.

The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the Lebanon City Council while promoting the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of Lebanon. The Commission actively pursues the placement of public art in public spaces within city limits, supports literary arts, and promotes musical and visual art performances.

The Lebanon Arts Commission shall meet at least quarterly each calendar year but could meet as frequently as once a month.

Term: Commences July 1, 2019 and ends on June 30, 2022.

To Apply: Fill out a City Board/Committee/Commission Application available www.ci.lebanon.or.us/cc or picked up at City Hall, 925 Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355. 

Deadline: Submit application by 5:00 p.m., May 10, 2019 to the City Clerk, 925 Main Street, Lebanon, OR 97355 or lkaser@ci.lebanon.or.us.

Selection Process: Staff reviews applications and submits a written recommendation to the City Clerk for the Mayor's consideration. Appointments will be determined, and applicants notified by June 1. Appointments are made by the Mayor at the June 12, 2019 Lebanon City Council Meeting.