Seeking Members to Serve - Ralston Park Improvement Plan Ad Hoc Committee

The Lebanon City Council invites interested persons to apply for the newly established Lebanon Ralston Park Improvement Committee. The Ad Hoc Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council. The committee will work with a City designated landscape architect to develop and recommend a Ralston Park Improvement Plan to the City Council.

The membership will consist of one City Councilor (Chair), two staff members and four citizens who reside or work within an approximate four-block radius of Ralston Park. The radius encompasses the area between Second Street to Hiatt Street and Sherman Street to Elmore Street. Appointments will be based on area of expertise and/or interest in improving Ralston Park and are scheduled to be made at the November 14, 2018 City Council Meeting.

Meetings will be called as needed to support the pace of the project with meeting times and locations to be determined. The Ad Hoc Committee will disband after submitting a draft improvement plan to the City Council (no later than June 2019).

The required application is found here or picked up at City Hall, 925 S. Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon 97355. The application must be submitted to the Lebanon City Clerk’s Office by 5:00 p.m., October 15, 2018. For more information, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (541) 258.4905 or